La femme ovale on tour in the Maisons de la culture
La femme ovale, a re-enactment of Louise Bédard Danse company, will be presented at different times and places next spring. Dancers Lucie Vigneault and Marilyn Daoust will share the role of La femme ovale, which they will dance in several Maisons de la Culture: St-Laurent, Montréal-Nord, Pointe-aux-trembles, Ahuntsic and Plateau Mont-Royal. Tickets are free, but it is preferable to reserve your place two weeks before the shows.
CALENDRIER (reprise-passation)
Wednesday March 22, 2023 - Performer: Lucie Vigneault - Maison de la culture St-Laurent salle Émile-Legault, Montreal
Thursday April 6, 2023 - Performer: Lucie Vigneault - Maison de la culture Montréal-Nord, Montréal
Saturday April 8, 2023 - Performer: Lucie Vigneault - Maison de la culture Pointe-aux-Trembles, Montréal
Wednesday May 3, 2023 - Performer: Marilyn Daoust - Maison de la culture Ahuntsic, Montréal
Saturday May 6, 2023 - Performer: Marilyn Daoust - Maison de la culture Plateau Mont-Royal, Montréal
Year of creation : 2003 re-enactment spring 2023
Running : 56 minutes
Choreography : Louise Bédard
Performers : Louise Bédard (2003 version), Marilyn Daoust and Lucie Vigneault (re-enactment)
Collaborators : Jean Derome, Angelo Barsetti, Anne Le Beau, Axel Morgenthaler and Simon Deraspe
Photo credits (promotion) : Angelo Barsetti