The company celebrates its 35th anniversary with Sans collier, Physiographie d’existences at La Chapelle Scènes Contemporaines.
Louise Bédard has been invited to Brazil's Festival Dança em Trânsito to present Morceaux choisis. Three performances are scheduled for the 22nd edition of this international contemporary dance festival.
Partners in Canada's cultural representation at Paris 2024, the (FIFA) and the Canadian Cultural Centre (CCC) will present two film programs alongside the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Jérémie Niel's piece Face-à-face will be revived at Agora de la danse in January 2024.
Louise Bédard Danse presents three films directed by Mario Côté capturing solos that the choreographer transmitted to Marie Claire Forté and Louis-Élyan Martin.
The re-enactment of La femme ovale will be on tour in the Maisons de la culture de Montréal from March to May 2023.
Louise Bédard's solo, Odalisca, will be danced by dancer Scott McCabe at the festival Quartiers Danses on September 13, 2022. Studio-Théâtre des Grands Ballets canadiens (Wilder building) at 8pm.
Louise Bédard presents Sans collier on July 29th and 30th during the FURIES festival in Marsoui.
Louise Bédard revisits La femme ovale with dancers Marilyn Daoust and Lucie Vigneault in a re-enactment presented in two of Montreal’s Maisons de la culture.
For a second consecutive year, our choreographer Louise Bédard is part of the cast of Osez! en solo presented by the company Danse K par K in partnership with Agora de la danse.
On September 11 and 12, Louise Bédard will dance alongside Marc Boivin at the Festival Quartiers Danses in Feldman/Renaud Project, Jeanne Renaud's new creation.
30 years of daring and creativity
Louise Bédard Danse invites you to discover in preview its most recent creation: Promesses. A fundraising evening celebrating the 30th anniversary of the company with the presence of the choreographer and her artistic team.
In celebration of Louise Bédard Dance’s 30th anniversary, four renown artists are offering high-quality artwork to be auctioned for the company’s benefit.
On Sunday September 29, during les Journées de la culture. pierres brûlantes and Les Mains froissées, two performances combining dance and the human voice will be presented in the Sir-Wilfrid Park.
Can dance write? Can writing dance? Have the answer in Elle erre dans le songe, il respire ailleurs during the International Literature Festival in Montreal ! On September 22, 2019 | 8 pm | Cinquième Salle of the Place des Arts.
pierres brûlantes and Les Mains froissées, two performances combining dance and the human voice...
August 31, September 7 and 14 on Prince-Arthur street (in front of the Café Campus) - FREE
On this International Day of Dance, Louise begins a creative residency with dancers Marilyn Daoust and Sébastien Provencher. The artistic team is going to continue the work on a duet.
The company thanks the city of Notre-Dame-des-Prairies for offering the company this week of residence at the Carrefour culturel Notre-Dame-des-Prairies.
The myth of Orpheus in a feminist and existential perspective, adapted for two actresses: Stéphanie Cardi, Macha Grenon, a contemporary dancer: Louise Bédard and a musician: Pierre Kwenders.
Presented by the Théâtre point d'Orgue, from 9 to 27 April 2019.
Louise flew to the Spanish Basque Country in mid-January for a one-month research residency at the Tabakalera Cultural Center in Donostia-San Sebastian, followed by a month of intensive work in Errenteria (Gipuzkoa) for the creation of production of a group piece for 8 Danztaz dancers in Errentéria. Louise thanks the Quebec Arts and Letters Council for its financial support.
Louise Bédard received the Prix de la Danse de Montréal, performer category for her solo performed in Catherine Gaudet's Tout qui va revient (2018). It is with joy that Louise has accepted this award presented by Le regroupement Québécois de la Danse and La Caisse Desjardins de la culture, which also highlight her prolific career.